1. What is your RSN?
2. What is your combat level and total level?
cb 125
total 2149
3. Have you read the clan rules? Please list at least 2.
no scamming no drugs
4. What will you do to help better our clan? And will you give feedback?
im a very active vc user
5. Will you be willing to recruit or help bump the forums?
probably not, but i might ask my friends to join if they are looking
6. Favorite activity in OSRS? (Skilling/Minigames/PVM)
i enjoy doing things the wrong way. for example pvm on a lvl 3
7. What is your experience with Chambers of Xeric/Theatre of Blood?
cox i have a decent amount of experience, i used to raid a lot, but im just coming back to the game from a long break and will need a bit of a refresher. i havnt done tob
8. What is your timezone?
central us
9. How did you find the clan or did someone recommend it to you?
i went to the google machine
10. Have you been in a clan before? If yes, what was your reason for leaving and have you notified them of your clan change?
the clan system came out while i was gone, but ive been in a few cc's before, but they are slowly dying and i wanted something bigger.
23-Aug-2021 22:59:07