Username: Flute Remix
Combat/Total level: 126 combat, 1886 total
Highest skill(s): 99 in all combat stats
Do you have any long term goals? if so list: Infernal Cape and readjusting to the game, haven't really played consistently for the past year.
What is your favorite part about being in a clan? Events
What is rule number 5? No repeated talk of buying, selling, lending, or asking for promotions.
Do you agree with our clans guidelines and will follow them? Yes
How did you find us? If you were recruited who by? I am a past member, I joined sometime last year but became really busy IRL and didn't have time for RS.
Why do you think our clan is right for you? I liked what the clan offered when I joined before and hope to be able to be an active member this time.
11-Jan-2021 01:06:27