RSN to be contacted on:
Combat level:
Total level:
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels:
In Order
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social:
I like PvM, Skilling and social
Which region/timezone are you based in?:
GMT: London.
but I can literally make any timezone events that are there
Brief introduction:
It's helpful for clans to learn about your playing habits/clan history/usual availability etc
Erm... well hi! I'm not exactly new to this game, had my account since 2003 i believe.
I have been offline for about 3 years previous and only just come back to Runescape. Had a lot going on and didn't really want to continue within RS EOC but forgot about my OSRS Account and just want to get back into it. As there is so much to do and accomplish,
I've been in PvM Clans, i've been a Leader of PvM/Skilling clans and been in various F2P Warring clans/teams over the years until i got hacked and lost everything and kinda gave up after EOC came out.
I plan on getting 1500+ total and getting 120+ Combat again. it will take a while but i am looking forward to getting there again and hopefully meet a lot of amazing people and make new friends and attend events!
If you like what you see, message me in game my private is always on so speak to me and if you see a rising star in your alliance whether you seek 110+ etc like most do right now then i can get there with help!
Old School Player - Christo
Slowly coming back to the game