RSN to be contacted on: Soul Empire
Combat level: 63
Total level: 570
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels: 50 attack, 60 strength , 55 defence , 52 range, 26 mage ( training mage soon lol)
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social: I'm looking for a PvP & PvM clan that has events regularly in PvP - Wildernesss , PvP - Minigames and PvM - Bossing.
Which region/timezone are you based in?: Australia
Brief introduction: I'm looking for an Australian based clan preferably that does both PvP & PvM, i'm an all rounder and enjoy various activitis on rs. I'm an ex clan leader my self so would prefer the clan that offers me to join them to take this into consideration, as i do not wish to waste time joining a dead clan or a poorly un-organised one.
My current account is relatively new, i just started playing again 1 week ago, but am playing every day training up combat at the moment.
I love castle wars as well so i would prefer it if your clan does castle wars events on a regular basis ( at least once a week )
further info: my rs3 rsn is Sw Wargods, combat 136. I've decided to play Old School as i am bored on Rs3 and obv PvP dead on Rs3.
08-Oct-2017 00:25:53