Hello everyone. Motley, a thousand thanks to you on behalf of anyone you helped, still helping people after 2 years! I came looking for threads where I could get in touch with any mods(show them a lure i was a victim of) and maybe impart some wisdom on you all.
Basically, this lure is like a couple described previously, with a 'lurer', and a 'Good Samaritan' trying to get you to anti-lure, with the YouTube link showing the 'lure in action'. More complex than i realized at the time(I was fairly inebriated at the time, judgement was pretty flawed). Basically identical to the tortoise lure(drops items, cant go through npc to get them). This time it took place in the elemental workshop, with the npc's you 'mine'. Promises you money to drop items, had a third-party account clear the rocks before you got there, so you dont notice the rock outcrops beforehand. After you drop, you are supposed to trade him, at which point you'll be prevented from accessing your items.
While you are freaking out how to get your items back, he uses mithril seeds to essentially glitch on top of those living-rock npc's and proceeds to wait for your items to show.
Long story short, if you get someone claiming a giveaway, keep all items banked. Simple solution. One very expensive mistake, but also one valuable lesson.
Sorry for the wall of text, but i hope it helps someone!
02-Jan-2016 03:49:01