"When history witnesses a great change, Razgriz reveals itself... first, as a dark demon. As a demon, it uses its power to rain death upon the land, and then it dies. However, after a period of slumber, Razgriz returns, this time, as a great hero"
So I went and calculated the profit from 1k zulrah kills that Mod Ronan streamed and the basic loot came out to 110,098k. From my understanding onyx, magic fang, tanzanite fang, and serpentine visage are supposed to be same drop rate of 1/128 (though from personal experience I found onyx much more common than the others) so average on signature drops should add 63477k more. Mod Ronan personally got both fangs, the visage, and 3 onyxes which adds 38.5M.
Although ava cut cost of ammo consumption at zulrah, magic being the primary style there now pretty much eats away at runes. I might go and figure out how much it cost to kill it sometime post-changes.
Poll is down to 84.7% now, slowly going down with about 20k total votes cast so far. For comparison GE poll has 70k+ but the other two recent polls had 30 and 40k. I could see the total votes ending at around 50k since it is more important than the two recent ones we had but not as hyped up as GE.