Os Thaddius
As part of the Old School General Chat Lounge, I feel it is my duty to provide you this link to the greatest challenge Runescape will ever, possibly soon, have...
"When history witnesses a great change, Razgriz reveals itself... first, as a dark demon. As a demon, it uses its power to rain death upon the land, and then it dies. However, after a period of slumber, Razgriz returns, this time, as a great hero"
Around 120m and I moved like 70m over to RS3 not long ago to make money for bonds there to also sell to clanmembers .
Duoed a hilt last week anyway, a good 31m split.
Bonds are actually pretty cheap if you can find someone to swap. It's like 500k-1m per bond depending on the rate. If you moved 70m to RS3 then you must be loaded there
It's actually embarassing compared to the amount of money I've made there in the past..
I'm done with fishing for the moment. Since I'm 99 in it I did that fishing thing for the clan cup, but turns out the whole thing failed due to a technical error so I spent an hour fishing junk for no gain whatsoever and it was all in vain lol. I'm just doing afk nmz these days when I have other stuff to do and then head to castle wars whenever I can.
I'm done with fishing for the moment. Since I'm 99 in it I did that fishing thing for the clan cup, but turns out the whole thing failed due to a technical error so I spent an hour fishing junk for no gain whatsoever and it was all in vain lol. I'm just doing afk nmz these days when I have other stuff to do and then head to castle wars whenever I can.
I'm adjusting the arena at the moment to make sure this doesn't happen again.
On a more related topic, good morning!