@Arbyl I’ve been on and off playing on my ironman. I’d say i’m a mid level ironman with some experience of the game. Definitely not a pro. One of the things i’ve noticed is that herblore is a difficult skill to level. When you get xp lamps consider using them for herblore experience as herbs are hard to come by. I see your thieving level is quite high so you can also consider training it at master farmers with the rogie outfit for double seeds (consider getting around 75-85 farming for a higher chance of better herb seeds).
Questing is so valuable as well. A lot of important area’s, training methods and teleports are unlocked in combination with extra herb patches, perks and decent xp gains in the early levels. The earlier you get that quest cape the more benefits you will have with gaining xp in the long runs. Quick note / tip: the bone voyage quest will open so many opportunities for short and long term training methods. Get this done asap since you will gain acces to birdhouse runs which will get you decent hunter xp and a few birdnests (valuable in the long term for sara brews) every 50 minutes. You will gain acces to two seaweed patches which, if u regularly farm them, will net you a lot of crafting experience in the long run (which will be your main training method in the future by glassblowing lantern lenses / light orbs)
Consider setting small goals like: barrows gloves, barrows pieces, torso, quest cape, small/medium/hard diaries. As the big goals on an ironman (85 slayer, 87 slayer, max cape 90 crafting for fury) can burn you out quickly.
Grab the graceful set asap as it will help you immensely in the long run
The journey of an ironman is amazing, dont burn yourself out and find your way. The things above is what I would have changed if I would restart the journey. Most importantly have fun and play the game how you want to.
Iron man
27-Sep-2022 22:16:56
- Last edited on
27-Sep-2022 22:41:35
Iron Radagon