Thanks for putting all the retro armour/ideas onto 1 thread
Now we can just bump this 1 thread
Are you willing to update your main post if further retro ideas get suggested?
Thanks for putting all the retro armour/ideas onto 1 thread
Now we can just bump this 1 thread
Are you willing to update your main post if further retro ideas get suggested?
Yes of course. I will add new requests from other players.
are the best Seasons.
18-Aug-2017 20:54:20
- Last edited on
18-Aug-2017 20:54:26
Comon people fight back! Lets get our retro gear back to the way it should look! Support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and Ill support everyday till jagex makes the less brain dead decision to bring back these retro models to replace the horrible new ones they added. Never seen a game completely degrade itself and call it a visual update.. usually people get sued for things like that... lies and slander..
I fully support this but if you want this to happen post this exact thing on Reddit with all the QFC's, I've been meaning to but I'm lazy D: lol. It seems like Jmods are more likely to look at it/reply to it on there if it picks up steam and I'll definitely upvote it on there.