> Saying that bonus exp weekends were RWT? That's just dumb thinking.
I never said that BXPW were RWT, I gave them as an example of things that lead up RWT. In this step, we see Jagex becoming increasingly greedy. They kept stating that the weekends would eventually be F2P, but they never did. It also started the age of aggressive marketing.
# We aren't captives of Jagex. They aren't forcing us to buy their stuff or even play their game. So your whole spiel about that psychological disorder is complete bull.
There is no psychological
involved, it's just normal human psychology and economics. The more money someone spends on something, the more utility they want out of that thing. In this case, if you spend over a hundred bucks in one go for Runescape bonds/cosmetics, the more you wind up defending your actions and how fun the game us because you want to believe that you will get the maximum bang for your buck. Someone who has wasted a ton of time and money on a game will find it much harder to quit compared to someone who hasn't invested as much.
# Keep the information based on RuneScape, not other games that didn't quite make it.
If a company owns some other games and treats them badly, then that gives us a deeper insight into that company's modus operandi.
# Here's some hypocrisy for you- There's Gold XBL right? and the other is Silver XBL right? Isn't that RWT?
Microsoft never promised its customers that it won't RWT or that all XBL members would be treated equally. This is just a silly strawman.
07-Jan-2014 15:27:07
- Last edited on
07-Jan-2014 15:37:29