What Laccy said. The game is growing, they need more money than subscriptions alone can provide. We are given the option to buy neat outfits in exchange for about a month's worth of membership. All in all, sweet deal.
See, you're problem is you think that grinding is worth something. Like burning time is some how difficult. It's not, it's just unproductive. And there is No Advantage to having cosmetic gear available for cash money. NONE.
It's like if I walked into a room wearing flannel or a polo shirt. I'm wearing what I want because I want to. If I wanted to wear the other but couldn't afford it, i'd cut an expense somewhere and find a way to buy me a new shirt.
But neither shirt does a thing to protect me from battleaxe! So yeah, in game my green Guthix garb doesn't make me a better player than you. I just happen to like Guthix and the color green. Also, I had some spare cash in my budget when I decided to renew my membership.
23-Apr-2013 00:02:43