Im Kent
I kinda doubt they'll add these, simply because there's no direct profit in it for the MTX team.
True, there is no profit, however if that was a deciding factor they could add runecoin prices too so players who don't have enough loyalty points can buy them with runecoins.
Except for retro gear, new store items don't get loyalty prices, and no existing store items since the loyalty/ solomon merge have been given loyalty prices.
This is part of the reason players want new loyalty outfits- very little can be bought with our runecoins.
But I still support newer, better, more expensive loyalty costumes. Maybe the MTX Team would finally make some non-armor overrides.
support for having more outfits available to purchase with loyalty points.
it seems like the loyalty points are not in use any more even though we continue to earn them... there is nothing new to spend them on
I like pretty much all of the Solomon clothing updates, as long as they look like clothing and not armor. I know some people like the armor, but to me, the clothing is much more appealing.
I'd love to see some additional outfits offered through the loyalty point system, also.