Hey yo, its bear.
Been wanting to make this for a while, I recently re-found a quote I'll use.
The members Loyalty Programme hasn't had much love for a long while, and most of the stuff individually - aside for high tier auras should easily be buy-able after short couple months.
We get a fair(sometimes even good/great) amount of Solomon updates, a couple of them do offer a Loyalty point option for purchase.
The few SGS offerings with those Loyalty options, well- are not Loyalty exclusive but rather a nice nod to us who rather not buy RuneCoin.
One of the main interests of the Loyalty program back in the day was the outfits, all sorts of neat cultural based outfits. But most of those first & second wave outfits are rather cheap Loyalty wise now.
I suggest a new wave of higher-price Loyalty point exclusive Cultural Outfits/Equipment.
And I also support and suggest more Loyalty exclusives in general.
This thread is mostly for the mentioned outfits.
I found quote some time ago, it does resonate with my own LP situation.
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A majority of players in the game have hundreds of thousands of loyalty points,
I see the new Loyalty pieces, being anywhere from 50k to 200k Loyalty Points. With prices around those, players could still get a couple new additions to their wardrobe and effectively burn up some of that point load.
I myself, am in the 900k+ club for Loyalty Points.
Spending that away on what? two big auras, maybe four bank boosters?
New outfits sound better to me imho.
I know, cough it out already bear! I'm just about there.
My character limit is inching up on me for this first post, so I'll try to fit in a little list here, then expand more detail.
I'm gonna have post 1, 2 and maybe two or three res's for extra stuff.
Ya, list won't fit...See post 2!!!
It'll be more expansive anyways. O.P. of Un-pack Packs!!
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24-Sep-2015 20:31:23