I'm currently up to the 860 bump-button bump mark count! Wooo!!!. 5/2/17

Hey yo, its bear.
There's some things I would like from packs, and would be up for spending some actual Rune Coin on, but not at the entire pack price; when I truly only want a piece or two.
I would like the Assassin's Scimitars(I really dig em), Ariane's teleport, demon-flesh wing/cape and maybe even Ozan's hair(with the ear piercing).
Now, I must say when selling parts individually, they should cost MORE- if you were to accumulate the whole pack this way, than buying the outright pack in its entirety(bargain bundles).
I'm sure I'll get some people who want this too.
:::_____NEW. @ TOP OF PAGE 14___SUPPORTER LIST!!___:::

Good show.
56 supporters!!! WHO IS NEXT?

LOOK! go to page to PAGE 6, post 5!
response, thanks again Mod Sayln!
The break down~~
We will not get to buy parts individually from packs in the near future. Currently the store is not able to handle such functions. On the better side of things, they are not opposed to us having this option. Very long-range when ever the store gets a big upgrade, buying parts out of packs could be included possibly.
I see this as hope! wooo!!!
People who want this, don't let em forget

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26-Aug-2013 16:37:45 - Last edited on 02-May-2017 04:58:37 by Bigbear Claw