"Everybody’* excited for the launch of the Evolution of Combat and RuneScape’s fansites are no exception!"
Please define "everybody" .... because the overwhelming majority hates this update with a passion.... you're full of yourselves ***ex.... if people wanted to play WOW, then they would go and play WOW!!!!!!!
Again, too many PMS women bitching about PIXELS
I SUPPORT Evolution of Combat and will embrace it instead of the "boo-hoo" change is bad approach some have taken
ADHD, Finding the cure fo... HEY LOOK! A BUTTERFLY!
@ I Has Hunter "hey ******* sinlentc0re made a poll for this u know? 10k people voted no..."
7,664 people voted yes 40%
10,573 people voted no 56%
4% of people are "don't mind either way"
18,946 responses so **r.
Not a huge response for 200 million players =)