Jagex i have one thing to say about this, the reworks on gears and stuff, im totally fine with it, the dragon looks badass, and it is just cosmetic change, but come on... why flip over the whole game that u have created in 10 years, when we celebrated the 10 years of rs, i was hoping for the next 10 years in this awesome game, don't ruin this already, im totally against the new combat system and the adrenaline,... just do as you all were busy with awesome jobs, rework of the elven city? GREAT, Solomon? alot of haters but just cosmetic, SOF? i can live with it, a new combat system? Bye runescape and welcome World Of Runescape/Runescape Of Warcraft, u have done what no one could do, u created an awesome game, don't be a faker, stay original... The group you want to reach to, are new players, with other words 10 year olds who saw a big sword and start to play... but after a while the eoc gets REALLY boring, i rather pay some extra for membership then having no runescape anymore. YES call me another little whine kid, but hey, i'm not the only one.
Im sorry if you had ur work with the riots, but you know when these riots happen, the community is AGAINST it, remember a few years ago? think about it.
a concered player (1 of 100k+)
08-Nov-2012 17:54:36