I had prepared for the bonus xp weekend; I had a farming trip planned, plus some herblore. Then I would craft and alch about 1.5k air battlestaffs. Altogether, I figured this would take me about 3, maybe 3.5 hours. I have been "playing" rs for 7 hours over the weekend. My already bad internet connection couldn't handle it, in combination with the server lag. Of those 7 hours, I actually spent 5 hours logged in. The rest of the time I was either lagging out or in lobby, trying to get in and looking at the "your account has not logged out from it's previous session" message.
In the 5 hours I did actually play, I didn't even manage to finish my planned stuff. I still have 1k battlestaffs to alch. I did do all the rest. However, I had also planned to go runecrafting for extra xp after I had done all that. It never happened.
Basically, this has caused me a lot of frustration and a loss of about 65k magic xp. This could have been done in 3.5 hours, so in the other 3.5 hours I tried to play I could have gained a significant amount of runecrafting xp. Plus I probably would have played more if I didn't lag out literally every two minutes.
I'm not angry, I understand your problems, but I am frustrated at the very least - and here I am, telling you, to give you an even better incentive to do something about this.
Thanks for reading,
29-Oct-2012 20:41:06