What happen if i upgraded my account 9th september, there wont be xp or instakill darts for me? And is it going to be any fall winter or spring event like this one?
no XP no fate cards - must be member for entire month starting BY midnight of day 1
Wondering - is there anyone that has NOT chosen the darts? Seems like the most popular choice. I considered the bank chest for magic logs but seems like a waste...
So I lose my membership for a couple hours, go to the store buy a membership activated it before the end of the month and I still didn't get the rewards? Thats unfair if you ask me.
Ive been member in August and September. How come i don't have the items i am supposed to get? Can anyone please reply to this? Please jagex fix this for me.
will we be given an opportunity to get anymore fate tokens, when i was choosing i lagged and ended up getting a duplicate item instead of the dart i had chosen, so now no dart for me....any way to trade item in for a another chance to choose ?? i think that would be fair. the choice of the duplicate was made for me, not by me
hey this doesn't have anything to do with this but, my account says when i try to log in that "Your account has not logged out from your last session. Please try again in a few minutes." and its kind of been like 5 hours please help
hey my account says im still logged in but i logged out at about 5 hours ago and it says your account hasn't logged out from its last session plese try again ... please help