bully it kills all monsters with 1 hit so also bork
angels zach
a lv too low check the qfc i poser before there j mods will check your membership
angels zach
I only got the 350k exp I do appreciate this but still... I have been member for both the months and I actually bought member for this, mostly for this... I am disappointed and I feel disadvantaged compared to the others.. can you fix it somehow?
Please contact me or inform me through any way possible: pm, email, forums etc..
02-Oct-2012 09:01:02
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02-Oct-2012 09:31:16
i know it says that i must wait etc, but i never got my exp for august or september and i was member through both? just want/need a mod to clarify this for me?
I had a membership issue, but i talked to Mod Morbeg about if i was still eligible and he said yes, but does this mean i have to wait 2 more days to get it?