^It's a current glitch. The bug team is aware of it and working on a fix. It is unknown if duplicates will be swapped for the ones you are actually missing.
Damn it I want a dragon cere cape... that's literally the only item in the lot that I *actually* wanted. I have full queen's guard, and dragon top, legs, and boots. Now after spending $20 to hopefully get the cape before it's gone I get... another top and pair of boots? Are you kidding me? Just a little bit LIVID right now.
I somehow managed to get duplicate Dragon Ceremonial Boots and I was wondering if there is any way that one could be converted into Dragon Ceremonial Legs to complete my outfit. I hope a Jagex Mod can see this. Thanks.
Ok lol way to lie about SoF not directly selling xp when the useless cosmetics that people supposedly buy spins for are all much rarer than the xp lamps that fill the common slots.
any ETA on when or how the glitch happens? I need 3 dragon ceremonial parts but really want dat emote.
I plan on maybe buying any where from $20 to $100 in attempt spins to win:
#1 emote
#3Icream hat
#4dragon ceremonial stuff
#5summer sun ring
#6more water baloons
#7Beach ball
#8Auspicious katana
#9Flying Goblin Hat
#10any horns
Please fix this glitch or I may forgo trying to win the emote just so I don't get any dupes.
Lost Woods numba 1, (NOT EE, Those scrubs are liars ;p)