Yeah, I'm seeing the dragon set as uncommon atleast... but Sharkfists? 25 spins later, had some double spin tickets, saved, free spins and a few i bought. I never even saw it show up on wheel.... I wouldn't mind that dragon set heh. but really, I do want the shark fists, any set heh. finshin* dragon set? yeah right, i'm still missing 2 peices i think, just chest and greaves. but eh. my luck. i get stupid coins or lamps. I love lamps for the normal spins as i can throw them all into agility which annoys me to level, heh.
but if i want something else. I would prefer somehting else. Up side is i did hit rares more then usual. Last 2 weeks i've gottne like 10 rares... before that for liekt he year and most of 200 paid for spins... heh. got 0 rares. so yeah.
I do wish we could downtrade prizes. lets say we land on uncommon, be able to pick up any common prize on the wheel, same thing on rare maybe heh. or make you get the level but have a choice of 3 things or so. Be a lot easier to collect these things which seem to either be pure luck, or spend a ton of cash...and then still Luck....
Spun for month and a half and all i wanted was shark fists. well actually i got the bbq i wanted so that was cool, now just need to use it heh.
Or maybe for members thos super items we get to choose 4 of for 1 time use things? give us a chance to choose some of these summer things as options
24-Sep-2012 04:00:05
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24-Sep-2012 04:12:36