My relations with mods don't go too well.
First Mod i met ingame just talked about a person who farted around them and showed off mod powers and ignored the spambots at ge.
The next mod i met ingame crashed the server with about 500 musicians and dancers.
Then there was some weird zombie mod who kept asking people to love him, he creeps me out so i don't go to the fourm section he hangs around in.
Then a couple random time at the ge it started raining cabbage all over a trail of cheese i was dropping for fun, im not sure if it was a mod, but who else could do that?
Anyways, looks like more events I probabably won't do, it would be fun to do a community event of a game that doesn't get played very often, like a four in a row tornament in that game room place, trouble brewing, or something.
21-Sep-2012 04:43:14