Firstly Have you been a member for all of August (1st of August 12:00am GMT till the 1st of September 12:00am GMT, With no membership GAPS MORE than 24 HOURS)?
Secondly Have you tired logging out and logging back in with at least one free inventory space.
Additionally If you still don't get it please try logging out and and back in, into to a different world, this could help prompt it to pop up.
Furthermore please try speaking to Diango to see if he gives it.
Finally if it still does not appear please contact billing support on Quick find code: 291-292-4-63573750
I have done all the steps that were supposed to be taken and I still haven't received my exp note. I was a member all through august. Who should I contact to recieve the exp note
I still haven't my promissory note, i pais the membership after ONE day of not being a member because of problems, but i didn't lost my loyalty programm, im not eligible of having my note?
I still have not received my promissary note. i have attemped to contact admins and have gotten no response. i have been a paying member off and on for 10 years now and am not satisfied with my experience with customer support. i have been a loyal runescape player for so long i think i deserve better. I deserve my 350k xp that was promised to me by Jagex. I want to know when I will be receiving the xp. Thank you
I bought membership two weeks before it ended and got my 350k but when i bought the member ship it said it wouldnt validate until September 4th and my membership ended on September 2nd so will i still get the 700k xp and the choice because i really want to get that xp and the items so if you could tell me if i still will get my xp even tho it validated 2 days late. This is the only issue i have.plz help, it will be appriciated thx.
@Mais De 8OOO,
there is a grace period, hopefully you have not crossed it contact billing support on Quick find code: 291-292-4-63573750 and they will be able to tell you if you are eligible.
@Dragon Ki213,
I'm sorry I don't know the answer for that, I would recommened contacting billing support on Quick find code: 291-292-4-63573750 and they will be able to help you.