Members for the entire Sizzling Summer (1st August GMT until 30th September GMT) will also be able to choose from a selection of four of the most powerful rewards ever seen in RuneScape. That was part of it I believe. You have until midnight GMT to become a member to still be eligible for the promotion. Click here to become a member now.
And this here. http://services.runescape.***/m=news/sizzling-summer-starts-today-
That's the page part of the sizzling summer.
I guess I didn't see the GMT part of the hole thing. Something a lot of people don't really look at, and for a lot of kids (A great majority of the population of runescape) wouldn't even look at this. Another thing would be that American's on the west coast who play runescape that go to school from 8pm to 3pm. Would only have 1hr (if daylight savings were in affect, it may be 0hrs) to get home and ask a parent for help to get runecape membership. This would be unlikely to impossible.
Although, it is only 350k exp they would be giving me and Jagex already has my money. I wish I could get it. I work and this would be an easy exception.
01-Sep-2012 03:41:00