I hardly play Runescape anymore. It is just not fun nor does it give a feeling of accomplishment since I know other players are buying the xp and getting their capes by buying them.
My slayer cape has become meaningless.
But, I, now, spend most of my time reading each days forums on the "new" methods of ******** money out of kids with their parents credit cards. Personally I wouldn't contribute another penny to the pockets of the "investors." They get my membership for now. I see no reward in gambling for spins. It is gambling pure and simple. I agreed with the poster who said it is illegal for minors to gamble and Jagex should be held accountable.
And, you can mention "wall street investors" and how they stuff their pockets full of millions before the company goes belly up. Just don't mention the new "owners" of Jagex.
I have written posts about just how the take down of good companies is done on other threads. I won't repeat it here. It is pointless anyway. It is a done deal!
As I said on another post, I hope the employees are quietly looking for other jobs.
My heart is broken.
01-Sep-2012 06:42:19