What updates? Im sorry but wait! Alas! September will have 2 quests! omfg im shaking! In4 the quests take 2 minutes each and are god awful, I bet they will, we haven't had a good piece of content since....I cant even remember....
We don't want this.
Comon Jagex, you are seriously worrying me with this Squeal of Fortune / Solomon's General Store non-stop promotion run.
Every damn week its another SOF or SGS update.
No wonder so many people are turning to private servers.
I miss the days when I first discovered Runescape back in 2002 ;_;
Being a kitty playing Runescape since 2001, and successfully dividing by 0 since 1986!
lol after mmg post and his video
but if look at mmg profile he has like 3 post on forum shows how much bs comes from jagex
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.