@A Hebrew
Honestly, if you are going to do all of this crap at least do it like all the other MMOs are and make the game completely free to play but with SOF and Solomon as an optional buy-in.
I like that idea a lot actually, though it won't happen, sadly. Most MMO's that I play now are much more enjoyable, and have MUCH (Emphasis on much) more playability than the what Runescape has taken its direction to, they have more content, better interactions, more enjoyable communities for the most part. And they're free..
There's small additions to buy, but that's nothing game breaking, and nobody seems to mind.
Updates that a mass of players don't want aren't shoved down our throats weekly, and the updates they come out with are pretty high quality additions to the game.
31-Aug-2012 06:08:39
- Last edited on
31-Aug-2012 06:12:02
Finem Solis