Q: How do the Jmods see the future of runescape?
Q: Why did Jagex sell shares?
Q: Why aren't you adding any F2P content?
Q: How do you guys react if you see all of the gold sellers advertisements on youtube?
Q: Many people started realizing that free trade made bots and rwt too attractive, do you have any plans on removing it from the game once again?
Q: If yes, how will you bring this to the community as people didn't like the trade limit?
Q: If no, what are you planning to do against the rwt that is going on?
Q: Can you tell us a bit about the skill that is comming out in 2013?
Q: Why hasn't the community get to meet any of the people in that company?
Do they care about the community and the game as much as JaGeX does or are they just people that are after the money?
I didn't take the time to organize the questions or put in any strategy's but those are some things I'd ask if I were to interview a J-mod.
29-Aug-2012 16:30:07