@ Mod Pips
Firstly let me say I am deeply offended that you got my name wrong. It's 1san. Secondly, not to be rude...but you didn't answer the questions, perhaps I didn't communicate them well enough and there was a misunderstanding. Let me make it crystal clear this time.
Original Question: What happens to the Sunbathe Emote after the sizzling summer ends? That's an emote, it should be dealt with correctly and should be available to all paying members at all times....shouldn't it?
What happens to the Sunbathe Emote for those who DO NOT currently have it and probably won't end up getting it? Like I said that's an emote, not just some holiday item you can tuck away forever. Hundreds of players hunt emotes, and as a paying member I feel I should be inclined to be able to get all emotes at all times. I can buy the SGS emotes at any time I please, and can get the rest via gameplay all year round. As I said before, this emote needs to be dealt with correctly.
Original Question:Why is the duration to get these items always so short? At least give us a full week breather.
Misunderstanding here. What I mean is, why is the duration for these items to be in the common and uncommon slots so short? There are so many SOF updates back to back, surely you can let a full 7 day week go by before shipping them off to the rare slots?
Original Question: Again what happens when the summer ends? Where do these items go, can we never get them again?
So you answered the question here, but you say that they will only be removed from the wheel....so are you implying that they will be available in game via other means, and will these items show up at a later date; next summer for instance?
25-Aug-2012 03:50:03
- Last edited on
25-Aug-2012 03:53:18