mustand bby, look at runescape with a quick google search,
its is the most hated on rpg out there, not mmorpg just rpg, typ in world of warcraft into youtube, check out the lick and dislike bar in comparison.
have you noticed that jagex got bought, i can remember when they took dsown video advertising cus people complained... i thought it was a stupid idea to take it down because its decent revinew and its not even that bad.. but now their litteraly ruining the game having ti so that you can buy your accoutn legitimatly and even changed the in game accordingly.. as to not contradict themselves...
notonly that but this rpg is incredibly buggy, incredibly flaued and not a person i know doosent know somthign they want improved or somthing they want removed from the game.. and now eoc is comming out somthing even more flaued in an attempt to make it more mainstream.. . rage rage rage... iv been really agitated by some of these updates..
21-Aug-2012 17:55:09
- Last edited on
21-Aug-2012 17:59:18
Mod Drebin