I was wondering if you might be comeing out with a cape or anything for the people who have been on your game for 12 years or not it would be cool to show that we are actualy telling the truth when we say that we been playing for 12 years becouse a lot of players who we have said that to have laught at us and think we are lieing to them so i was wondering if that could be possible to come up with something to show that players have been on runescape 12 years...
I was also wondering can the limit of binds be changed for players becouse we work hard to get the full prime set of dung armor but then can't use it is there anyway that could be changed so we can use the full set and the wepons in the game...
I liked soul wars, and quests exc. as long as it is fair. it can only be obtained by in game playing. like mobilizing armies and soul wars had-has. keep all things out of the game if you pay real money to obtain it. if you use real money to obtain it- it is cheating, and unfair. the is so many medium class and lower class people play this game. before I was disabled I was medium class. I made lots of money like $2k American a week. now I make $1200 -1500 a month. disability insurance stinks. persay stuff you get in game. examples
1. fight areana quest- port kh top and helm.
2. tourist trap- slaves cloths.
3. mime out fit.
4. camo outfit.
5. bring wgs -aka ( while guthix sleeps )to old school and pieces of d plate bodies to. I made $100's of millions from making them before eoc ruined the game. well actually way back in 2011 when hitpoints turned into being a morning constitution.were is taking a big crap mean your life points- aka hit points.
6. the pirate quest that gives you a dead parot. that was awesome.
yes there is a problem with old women and men pullin in these kids that pretend to be adults and get into trouble to find love from a grownup,,,, where is your head jagex,,,, parents around the world depend on this game to be safe,,, and just when a player finds a sea hag hustlesin a kid the person get there player mod to mute you to shut u up... where is your head jagex
hey jagex where your head at.. why does a person tryin to stop sea hags(old women and men ) from attackin these young player 11 12 13 years of age pretendin to be adults,, parents around the world think this games safe and lets there kids play this and have no idea what there kids or the other player are doing to there kids ........what jagex going top do about this .. I keep getting muted by player mod that these sea hags have in there pockets...if we adults can't stop them,,,what jagex doing to stop this??????????????????????
So if this is a news forum why hasn't the news that Australia is offline been given a thread. I and others would like to be able to post on the news forum about the excruciating agony of attempting to play/quest whilst constantly being kicked off the game. Thoroughly ruined what may have been a great quest; Missing, presumed Death. It is now a memory of frustration and mind numbing repetition. Attempting a daily or slayer is virtually impossible and I and thousands of others will be unable to access their dailies for days. Just in time for the new revamped Hiscores where players can be throttled by service providers.
Interesting that you mentioned Highwinds, should I be spamming their site along with fellow Australians?
I note that the news post reads that we will be given updates but none have been forthcoming.
So if this is a news forum why hasn't the news that Australia is offline been given a thread. I and others would like to be able to post on the news forum about the excruciating agony of attempting to play/quest whilst constantly being kicked off the game. Thoroughly ruined what may have been a great quest; Missing, presumed Death. It is now a memory of frustration and mind numbing repetition. Attempting a daily or slayer is virtually impossible and I and thousands of others will be unable to access their dailies for days. Just in time for the new revamped Hiscores where players can be throttled by service providers.
Interesting that you mentioned Highwinds, should I be spamming their site along with fellow Australians?
I note that the news post reads that we will be given updates but none have been forthcoming.
We're in the wrong hemisphere for Jagex to care.....
Hi Jagex mods
I just wish the original dragon weapons and armor can be made f2p because the weapons are already hard enough to wield and also needs completed quests plus the armor is too like expensive enough, plus the quests to complete in order to wield the dragon weapons are hard enough to complete.
Please make dragon weapons f2p (leave the "after quest completion of course"
please make off hand weapons f2p too.
It's ok if you decline, I just wish , Thank you.