
SoF: Double Cash!

Quick find code: 294-295-57-63942746



Posts: 641 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I cannot fathom, amongst all these negative comments that have been posted by your community since the release of SoF, why you'd think it necessary to add more to SoF to drive the community irate.
When will you draw the line JaGex? Just About the Gaming Experience. You're ruining that experience for your player-base and community.

14-Aug-2012 12:34:18

Vex Walrus

Vex Walrus

Posts: 75 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Okay. First of all, I'm not usually the one to complain about bad updates.
I do not wish to see the game I 've enjoyed and played for over 6 years turn into a ******* pile of dirt. We (the players) obviously understand that JaGeX is a company. A company needs money to run, right? However, I feel that you've taken a seriously wrong turn dealing with this issue. SoF is a joke. Solomon Store is a joke. 95% of players (if not more) will agree to this statement.
I once remembered watching a video on YouTube a long time ago. A player was interviewing a JaGeX Moderator. One of the thing said in that video was the following: "Our aim for RuneScape has always been that the players come first. The players economy in real life, should not affect his/hers gameplay"
Well, guess what. It does.
I remember back in 2008-2010. When I saw the game update message, the whole world would thrill up, because we all knew a new awesome update would be added to the game. Now, when I see the update message, I think, "Oh great, more SoF ****."
R.I.P Runescape 1999-2012
Welcome Rwt/******-scape 2012-whenever you guys decide to end this

14-Aug-2012 12:34:22

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14-Aug-2012 12:34:42



Posts: 473 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Master/Miss?" "Esquire/Ms?"...."Miss" and "Ms" and NOT the equivelants of Master and Esquire!! You insult your female players with these titles!! Yes, you ignorate little boys, REAL girls (and women) play RS, I am a real woman who plays the game and even if I was inclined (which I am not) to spend real money on rune-coins for solomons store I would NOT EVER buy any title that belittles me, like Miss and Ms do!! At least Mrs IS the equivelant for Mr!!! Why can't us girls go by Esquire? Why can't the real equivelant of Master be given to us, it's Mistress for you idiots out there!!! Why can't we have Mistress, is it because sick minded idiots think a mistress is what we call a husbands lover when he is cheating?? Or what we call another type of woman, shall we say, someone who likes to dress in leather and carry a whip?? Please give us girls the real equivelants of Master and Eqsuire!!! Do NOT force us to use Miss and Ms, which are solely titles for young girls and formerly married women!!!

14-Aug-2012 12:34:52 - Last edited on 14-Aug-2012 12:35:25 by Spydr_Queen

Ice Dye Andy
Oct Member 2015

Ice Dye Andy

Posts: 2,556 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
@Pikkupchixx, i agree with ya, if i had my own game/gaming company id get an injunction on every american investor company going lol and sue them for even trying to buy me out
We need a super rich person who knows a lot about jagex/rs to buy the greedy idiots out so they can return rs back to its glory days without all this cb beta crap and the microtransactions
On a journey to become the true master of ice. 22/42 ice dyes

14-Aug-2012 12:36:54

Void J
Dec Member 2021

Void J

Posts: 244 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
s 8i:
ya i feel ou it took me 2 weeks from 13 rc to 39 for ele workshop 4 and i think my friend helped with runespan cause of me but dont blame me,ask others was runecrafting ok to train or imposible its like prayer. rc->prayer (rs 2006) imposible
Here for a good time, not a long time. :)

14-Aug-2012 12:39:04

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