To the whiners who are angry about the money on the SoF: It is just a game, the money isn't real!!!! Tons of people make millions scamming idiot players with gambling games and that does not devalue any coin I have earned and neither will the coins won on the SoF. This is just a game for goodness' sake!!! I earn some coins by actually playing and I have won tons on the SoF (all with free spins mind you, I will never buy spins) and NONE of that has devalued my earnings, why if I acted like all of you, I would be complaining that every single pker out there is devaluing my coins cause all they had to do was kill some poor schmuck to earn millions in seconds!!!! But I am not like you and NOTHING anyone else does in this game will ever devalue anything I earned, only I control the value that has been placed on MY coins and items and skill levels!!!
14-Aug-2012 14:05:20