since blizzard came out with wow runescape has been trying to compete with them on there lv, therefore they come out with ill pixeled copies of what blizzard has created a masterpiece of, runescape stop trying to compete with a multi billion dollar game that knows how to release content on a regular basis. u increased monthly payments and it still is only for one toon, if u want to copy blizz so much.. give us 8 players for the price of one. and new content on the regular. if u wish to have this rwt crap like blizz has had for years make it worth it. not just crappy skins that look like somone scratched them together overnight.
i like rs, been playing since 2002 off and on. been playing wow since 2004 and i must say, u will never be as ingenius as blizzard in there content, but thats no reason to give up on tryin to put out more. dont make the same mistake other mmo's did or i will garrentee it will be hard to dig urself out and get ur monthly p2p players back. they seem very displeased, u should open your ears to ur ppl like wow.
13-Aug-2012 00:24:43