Jagex... This post makes me want to rage even more than when I saw Solomon's store show up. Why? Because you put these people out on display for a public "execution" acting as if your doing us a big favor by getting rid of these people, as if you are keeping meaning behind the rules you have.
But you know what Jagex, your inconsistency towards the rules of recent years is almost laughable. You actually had to change your stance on RWT just to implement your squeal of fail and Solomon's waste of space. On top of that, you have been letting bots run rampant with minimal consequences taken.
Let's put it like this, those bug abusers more or less accidentally found out about this bug, and the allure of the possible gain caused them to abuse it. Bots on the other hand go out of their way to download a program and inevitably ruin the game for everyone else. Although I don't support bug abuse, glitches in game are the fault of Jagex, and most don't hurt other players. You can complain about these particular bug abusers causing inflation, but these guys are just a spec in the economy compared to what bots do to prices.
Ok, I'm done ranting, but for future reference Jagex, these posts are a joke now a days.
tl;dr Jagex and their stance on the rules is a joke, and these kind of news posts are just a sham.
08-Aug-2012 02:46:35