First off great job on these
Second, I notice a lot of people raging about bots and stuff; What I'm thinking is that they don't quite realize the problem that bots present. The bot creators continue to make new algorithms and such, and ultimately as long as there is money in it for them they will try. They will likely succeed, and from that point on Jagex has to counter that problem. Thus the bot nuke(s).
One might say "Why don't you just go to lrc or some high bot place and just use the banhammer on them?" The problem there is that Jagex needs to detect botting software or something to be justified in banning someone or rolling back exp. Someone could just be afk or have public off or coincidentally be wearing the d med and legs with granite plate set up. Now, most of the time this isn't going to be the case, but they can't take peoples' word for it whether they are botting or not either. They have to know if they were using a botting program.
Also, exp exploitation isn't quite as critical as gp exploitation BECAUSE gp bugs have the potential to affect a LOT of people for every abuser (putting 800b or so in to the economy can have significant effects), where as exp bugs and botting only make some accounts higher level than they should be, thus only really affecting the individual account that is botted on. Sure, they might get maxed combat and have better pking stats or something, BUT they will be facing mostly people with the same stats, so they don't really have an "advantage" so to speak against other players their level. They should still be banned imo.
Frankly the only solution to removing bots would be to put captchas on everything, but that would make the game unplayable so no. Until then they have to deal with them on a problem by problem basis; trying to tackle all potential ways to bot at once would be virtually impossible.
07-Aug-2012 19:25:01