I am disappointed with this quest for several reasons. I am going to explain those reasons via very inaccurately worded, yet accurately described situations from the quest.
*Ping and Pong, when you're human*
Ping - "lul so ges wut" Me - "wut" Ping - "i new u wer human" Me - "DAFUQ??" Ping - "ya so lol" Me - "n e ways, i ned u 2 do a concert" Pong - "k get us costumez"
*Getting the costume*
Guard - "noo dunt nock me outt!"
*Back to Ping and Pong*
Me - "lul so ges wut" Pong - "wut" Me - "u need 2 do dis so I can invade a walrus camp and rescue a secret agent." Pong - "k."
*In the POW camp*
Teddy - "HEY BRO IMA CLOWN! oh also larry went insane and is now a penguin" Me - "LOLOL nice joke bro" Teddy - "no seriuslee go look" Me - "WUT. LARRY U NO BETTAH" Larry - "LOL NOPE! NOW GET ME MAH BABY!!!" Me - "k"
And this is my rant for how far I've gotten. Oh, also, I HATE the puzzle of spamclicking on three different people. I mean, it wouldn't be AS bad if it weren't for the fact that with EVERY SINGLE CLICK I get a message of me saying "ROCK ON BRO" "KEEP IT UP TEDDY!" "YOU CAN DO BETTER!!", therefore flooding my chatbox so I can't read any of my clan's messages. And before anyone mentions I can turn public off, it still rids the messages from the top of my box, and eventually most of my messages.
Oh and there's a typo in every other conversation. I at least want that fixed :c
09-Aug-2012 21:23:41
- Last edited on
09-Aug-2012 21:30:33