
Sizzling Summer Starts Today!

Quick find code: 294-295-48-63917858

Eagles Pride

Eagles Pride

Posts: 876 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
On the sizzy summer scam popup, you know the one that cannot be hidden for more than 5 days at a time, jagex has commited FALSE ADVERTISING. Unless you were subscribed BEFORE August 1st and continue till AFTER Sept 30th you cannot get the rewards. So, advertisng that the rewards are available if you just subscribe now is FALSE ADVERTISING.
Not that this surprises me, now that this game owes it's allegience to IVP.

01-Aug-2012 21:12:26

Apex Being

Apex Being

Posts: 64 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hi, I'm currently on a 14 day free membership which ends on August 3.
I'm unable to subscribe to membership until tomorrow. Does my 14 day free trial still keep me eligible for the rewards until the 3rd of august?
Someone please reply, I want lvl 70 summoning =)

01-Aug-2012 21:29:29



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Dear Jagex,

Thank you for the wonderful updates. Now i dont have to even play the game. Jagex from now on just release sof updates so all i have to do is purchase spins then, i will have 99 everything in no time. Another idea i would LOVE to see would be have Solomon sell gold, aye? Think about it, 10 mil gp for say *100? This would both make you money and have players happy cuz duh no one really likes playing this game right?
Thanks, and God Bless
A happy rs member

01-Aug-2012 22:12:07



Posts: 38 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You make close to a billion dollars and you give us a one time use item and if we dont use it before December its gone. Really!!!!! I have been playing for ten years (also because I play two of those ten years as a free player I not entitle to a ten years cape) You have made plenty of money off of me and others, can you not give us a ability that we can keep and use as member. We players would like something for our patronage. Quit being stingy.

01-Aug-2012 23:59:29

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