When people do a task that makes them proud or confident in themselves, they want to return to it. They want to continue doing it. This circle creates long term response. Its quality instead of quantity.
This pendant enhances the opposite behaviour, again, assisting the real life rich, and removing the fairness aspect that laid (past tense) at the heart of runescape prior to the new CEO coming in and making all these sell out changes.
Runescape is played not just by the very rich, no- they will buy their success in game and move on. Runescape is also played by many poor people, who put vast amounts of time and effort into this game. Stop making the real life poor take second seat to the real life rich in this game and remove these buyable xp options!
To all real life rich, who choose to keep their integrity by not buying the spins, your excluded.
To all old Jagex employees, many of us feel your hearts breaking and lament with you. He's a monster. I'm so sorry for you, for all our loss.
IDK if I can end with my regular "Enjoy Gaming" anymore....
26-Jul-2012 17:13:31