The investment firm which holds the largest percentage of shares in Jagex's goal is to enlarge the capital gains per year by a certain percentage. This means squeeze all the money they can from us, then sell and move on. If we players continue doing nothing, continue applauding they can never understand how this could become a long term investment rather then a short term one. Then things won't change.
Players, try to understand that we are not fighting the SOF and Solomons store only. We are fighting the mind set that large capital gain at this time will make Shares higher, then in a couple years, when the profit margin is smaller, shares will be sold, and eventually the game could close down all together. Someone with a better understanding of this, better choice of words, and more patience then I please take up the gauntlet with me and help our fellow players understand that this is not okay.
We need each other to see a bigger picture, and work together to not only enjoy our game, but protect why it was unique and special.
26-Jul-2012 20:20:01
- Last edited on
26-Jul-2012 20:21:27