I dunno, this all seems a bit... dodgy. I mean, they're being implemented well enough, untradeable, and a choice of only four, but best of all, no affiliation to the SoF or the Store... That pleases me to no end.
I just feel that a bit of care should be taken, especially with the Instakill Dart. While I imagine that the intention of the dart was to be used on something like a GWD boss, I do wonder what will become of quest bosses. Many of the combat oriented quests pin their plots to the final battle, for example, Nomads Requiem, and The Void Stares Back. If this dart works on quest bosses, it kinda shoots lore in the foot. Nomad is meant to be all hepped up on Soul Power, yet if the dart works on EVERYTHING, he can be taken out with ease. Likewise, why do I care about the mystical powers of the Valluta or Korasi's sword, when I know that they were effective nullified by a dart?
Gameplay-wise, whatever, I know that I killed Nomad with a BGS, and if someone is now able to dart him, that's no skin off my back. But lore-wise, I can see it ruining a good bit of story in many quests.
26-Jul-2012 03:02:26