I love the idea the direction you're going of focusing on helping players make their accounts more secure and updating the website and game to a more modern and secure system. It's about time, and has been needed for years quite frankly. However, lets be honest...this is only part of a solution to a problem you need to address.
Until you actually create a system that addresses the players needs and doesn't force us to contact you in the most awkward of manners, like going to Twitter for support for instance, this is only ever going to continue to be a substandard solution to what could be Jagex coming out and actually caring about their players.
Don't just update your security for the game and site for the players, make it easier and streamline the way we can get help for these situations. Waiting is not the issue, it's getting to the right people, right page, right sources whether your a new player, a long time player, or an old player who is coming back to the game - You should be able to find the information and help needed easily, not go through 10-20 pages, all tabbing you back in a loop to each other, or trying to send you to the forums or Twitter. Every other game, has a system to send you to Support to get support, whether it is for technical, for account issues, or payment issues...I think it's about time Jagex catches up with this and if you're going to be updating this, I suggest you also work on the support aspect too. Hopefuly then people will stop depending on others, many not so altruistic in nature, and be able to depend on Jagex themselves, or at the very least people Jagex has in-trusted with the duties to help it's players as support specialists, and less people will fall prey to these scams and predatory practices we see.
28-Oct-2019 23:20:26
- Last edited on
28-Oct-2019 23:22:56