Omaha Beach, as a credit card subscription buyer you are saving money. With the new cards, you would be paying $10.00 for 30days of membership, +5 "free" days.
Right now, membership costs *7.99? for 30days, +0 "free" days.
Those "5" days aren't worth the $2.00- even if you get 5 free spins. What a joke.
Regarding this being gambling- In pokemon, you don't use IRL money to purchase the right to use the casinos. You use the in-game currency. That is where the problem lies.
People who don't have credit cards and want membership, but have parent unwilling to connect their card online (and their are a great number of parents who don't like giving that info out online or just don't want to pay for a game for their kids) will most likely buy membership through game cards. Now- do we see the problem?
Its the younger people who are likely to purchase these packages.
19-Jul-2012 16:02:00