I bought both bundles, which are awesome. However, although I bought the 2018 bundle, I didn't get the 2018 tunic, which is gorgeous. How do I go about getting the 2018 tunic?
HOW DARE YOU TO MAKE THE RELIC BUNDLE ONLY COST 200RC?! WHEN IT ACTUALLY SHOULD COST LIKE 350RC!!! Because by summing all of those packs the price would be way higher than it is now!!!
Player since 2010 September. Although, not always rich.
How do I get the 2018 Tunic, I have watched the live twitch for a while, love the cause and purchased this years , and it is linked to my account and nothing. please help.
I am keen to purchase one or both of the GameBlast bundles on offer, but unfortunately don't have access to the game at this time (being in a semi-remote area with no use for a laptop). Is it possible that the bundles could be made available in the Solomon store, or elsewhere?
Addicted to
I purchased the 2018 bundle and cannot wear the torso or plushie. Yes, i do have the filters checked. I have the pet. Does anyone have this issue? how do i fix this?