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Has the Pre-Paid Card exclusive guarantee been removed?
On the contrary, it’s been expanded.
With a treasure trove of former Premier Club exclusives that Solomon himself is envious of, Premier Club Gold users will this year be able to pick previous exclusive items using the new Premier Club Reward Token.
This definitely doesn't sound "expanded". On the contrary, it sounds like Pre ' Club members are now forced to pick and choose which they'd rather have - old cosmetics or new ones, whereas in previous packages, members were guaranteed the new items. A better system would be to keep the old system of guaranteed exclusives for 2018, and throw in the tokens as an added bonus of picking out old stuff.
What happened to the essence of the premier club ? I like the option to get older stuff but, content such as the lightning pack available thru token sure if you use a precious token you only get 3 of which as a card promo should by right and I use the word loosely to get all promotions verbatim on the contract of premiere or did something change for the worse ?
can someone message box me on this please ?
28-Feb-2018 02:34:01