Hey this has nothing to do with this but my friend just got message in game and in actuall email saying that jagex wants to make him a pmod he filled out application and now is asking for him to disable authenticator is this real?
Hey this has nothing to do with this but my friend just got message in game and in actuall email saying that jagex wants to make him a pmod he filled out application and now is asking for him to disable authenticator is this real?
No, this is a fake invite
Jagex will only invite you via your message centre if you're chosen to be a Pmod, and they would not ask you to disable your authenticator
@ Plox plis - Your posts have been removed as spam. This thread is an announcement from back in August of updates to RuneScape (RS3), which your posts had no relation to.
If you have constructive feedback and/or suggestions for improving the duel arena in RS3, you may post those, with the expletives, in the
Existing Game Content Forum
. If the duel arena that you want to see improvement to is in the Old School version of the game, you should use the [qfc id=322*323]Old School Content Suggestions Forum[/qfc] to propose them.
Please for the sake of everyone please please please add replica dragonhide suits please. the pants used to look so cool and I would 100% pay money for that entire set if you guys could add that replica armor next