Thank you for the tips mod William i am sure they will be useful to a lot of players!
I hope you all are starting to stock up on your supplies for the Double Exp weekend!
During the duration of double exp weekend I will be hosting portables on World 23 for those who wish to use them I will be training my smithing and crafting levels to 80 then doing invention for the remainder of the weekend I invite anyone to come along and skill/chill during this time as i believe skilling is a lot more fun with people and i want to get more involved with in the skilling community of rs as most people now are about maxing. I will be joined by my clan members and some friends of mine so the turn out is already starting to look good so far.
I hope some of you can make it I look forward to meeting new friends and sharing new conversations with people this Double Exp weekend!
- Mr An drew
12-Jan-2017 02:37:15