People seriously need to STFU about hating beta and hating on these two. I have not heard of them before ever, but it's nice to see they are getting some recognition. Alot of people have apparently been helped by these two, and that in itself deserves recognition.
They may not be the best PvM'ers out there, but they are doing alot in the beta and testing out abilities and probably figuring out bugs so they can be fixed. They are doing us all a service, so to you haters....
Get even a little bit of education and show some grattitude. Don't troll the forums like the ignorant a$$holes you are displaying yourselves as and HELP US MAKE THE BETA BETTER!
"The only constant is change." -Confucius.
-Ascertes, King of all the Hallowlands and the Everchosen of Saradomin.
15-Jul-2012 05:51:54