Simon and James have the Corporeal Beast and Nex in their sights this weekend as they attempt to take on these mighty foes in the Evolution of Combat. On Saturday 14 July at 9pm (BST) they face 'Corp' and, on Sunday 15 July at 7pm (BST), Nex is in the firing line.

How will they prepare? What tactics will they deploy? Which of the new combat abilities will have the most impact? Watch all the action unfold live on their YouTube Channel as they Live Stream the whole thing straight to a screen near you!
Don't forget that all members can jump into the combat beta themselves this weekend – and every weekend throughout the combat beta period. So why not take some tips from the pros and make this weekend a good old boss killing frenzy!
Go grab the very best gear (all free of course on a beta server) and head to your boss of choice for some epic battles. And if you send us a screenshot of your battle to [email protected] , we'll put them together into a Facebook album for the whole world to see.
Finally, the weekend beta events programme is now in full swing so make sure you keep an eye on the news, or like us on Facebook , to get all the event info straight into your news feed. Just as soon as the bosses have recovered from their pasting this weekend, we'll be announcing the next weekend event which will take place on 21 and 22 July. That one is a real date for the diary as it will be the second weekend associated with the task required to unlock the exclusive Mad Scientist outfit!
Good luck Rune Shark, and see you all at the weekend!
The RuneScape Team ~The
12-Jul-2012 17:31:21