I'm... still not sure how I feel about this. At best, it might reduce gold farming by some small amount, but there will probably always be some people willing to undersell. But, honestly, I don't really believe it will make any real difference.
It definitely won't 'help everyone.' Those with huge cash stacks can use them to buy membership, and new players can make some gp from those willing to pay. But what about the players that don't have huge cash stacks
can't really afford extra money to put into a game? I played for a long time before buying membership, largely because it had just never been something I could afford. I'm also more of a 'casual' player, more interested in things like lore and trying out new things, not spending hours upon hours every day making gp. I won't be able to buy a Bond with RL money, and it isn't really reasonable for me to spend gp on one, either. So I'm left entirely out of this loop, while those that with big cash stacks (and, as you say, a lot of them have botted or bought gold in the past) spend that gold to save RL money and those with large amounts of money can skip past me and afford things I never really plan on being able to afford.
Maybe I'm blowing things out of proportion, I don't know, I'm just not confident this is going to go the way you're telling us it will. You've been gradually moving more and more into the 'legitimate RWT' camp, and it never really seems like it goes the way you plan, so I can't say I have a lot of confidence.
I'm not going to quit. I've pretty much decided I wouldn't until the game dies, or until there's nothing left that I find fun in the game. I still enjoy the game itself, but the company running it has been slowly changing into something unrecognizable.
26-Sep-2013 04:26:31